Welcome to Energy Revolution

This will be a daily Blog about new up comming technologies and updates on anything to do with saving energy including fuel, electricity. I will also comment on the politics of energy and how it will help you make decisions regarding your energy choices. Feel free to post, ask questions

Monday, 25 April 2011

Solar increases realestate values

A recent report in the USA has shown houses with an installed solar system are returning up to $5000 per KW installed.
this will be the case in Australia although no one has yet surveyed the increase in value. Given the subsidised investment and savings made by installing solar, you also have a captial gain which is not taxed if it is on your family home.
Kind Regards

1 comment:

  1. I believe we should all have that option in our homes here in the United States of America. But of course we can not. Our country has no options to help the people inside of its own country. Sad but true.

    Paula Morgan
