Welcome to Energy Revolution

This will be a daily Blog about new up comming technologies and updates on anything to do with saving energy including fuel, electricity. I will also comment on the politics of energy and how it will help you make decisions regarding your energy choices. Feel free to post, ask questions

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Rebate and feed in Tarrif Information

I will in time branch out to other areas including fringe technologies that could have a huge input.
Yesterday I touched on the different incentives. There is a company with a great website that has up to date information and an excellent forum. It is not my intention to promote any company over another but for gathering information on what is happening in each state Re Rebates and the latest on solar subsidies its one of the better ones
It is interesting to note that this company in some states is already booked out till after July and is quoting post July prices (in the ACT for example)
As far as major power stations go a company in Queensland is installing a thermal solar system to preheat the water for their coal fired power station. This will produce 44,000 MW of electricity a year through solar.
Kind Regards

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