Welcome to Energy Revolution

This will be a daily Blog about new up comming technologies and updates on anything to do with saving energy including fuel, electricity. I will also comment on the politics of energy and how it will help you make decisions regarding your energy choices. Feel free to post, ask questions

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Solar Farmers

I am still amazed at the deals being offered to people in Queensland Australia in rural areas. They pay good feed in tarrifs to systems up to 30 KW.  With an income in the range of $20,000 to $25,000 pa and an installed cost of around $110,000 (after subsidies) this is a no brainer. Where do you get 20% plus on your investment nowdays. Some companies I have hear can arrange very low finance so the sysetm is able to pay itself of and produce a reasonablle surplus.
You will need to do your own calculations but many of the install companies are more than willing to help out

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