Welcome to Energy Revolution

This will be a daily Blog about new up comming technologies and updates on anything to do with saving energy including fuel, electricity. I will also comment on the politics of energy and how it will help you make decisions regarding your energy choices. Feel free to post, ask questions

Friday 29 April 2011

Rossi and LENR

Andrea Rossi publically demonstrated a device called the E-cat earlier this year. He prefers to call it a low energy nulclear reaction, many otehrs label it cold fussion. It is something that could turn the energy industry on its head. It is my opinion that as time goes on and mainstream science is being further involved it looks highly probable.The tests so far are not beyond reasonable doubt because of the methodologies used but is heading in the right direction by allowing closer and professional testing with well known scientists and institutions.
To read further i suggest this link.


Kind Regards

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