Welcome to Energy Revolution

This will be a daily Blog about new up comming technologies and updates on anything to do with saving energy including fuel, electricity. I will also comment on the politics of energy and how it will help you make decisions regarding your energy choices. Feel free to post, ask questions

Friday, 29 April 2011

Rossi and LENR

Andrea Rossi publically demonstrated a device called the E-cat earlier this year. He prefers to call it a low energy nulclear reaction, many otehrs label it cold fussion. It is something that could turn the energy industry on its head. It is my opinion that as time goes on and mainstream science is being further involved it looks highly probable.The tests so far are not beyond reasonable doubt because of the methodologies used but is heading in the right direction by allowing closer and professional testing with well known scientists and institutions.
To read further i suggest this link.


Kind Regards

Monday, 25 April 2011

Solar increases realestate values

A recent report in the USA has shown houses with an installed solar system are returning up to $5000 per KW installed.
this will be the case in Australia although no one has yet surveyed the increase in value. Given the subsidised investment and savings made by installing solar, you also have a captial gain which is not taxed if it is on your family home.
Kind Regards

Friday, 22 April 2011

Hydrogen boosters

Over the last few years several companies have promoted hydrogen boosters. Do these save fuel...in some cases yes but in the majority no. However they are usefull in reducing pollutants. I am happy to debate this issue with anyone. I spent a couple of years investigating this in person including testing many vehicles and analysing data from thousands of vehicles.
Having said that some Hydrogen boosters married with the right electronics can return 10% or more on fuel savings. Once again research is required
Kind Regards

Do diesel aditives work

Over in Europe and the USA fuel aditives a big business. They are used to reduce pollution and for fuel economy. Most will improve engine performace and reduce service cycles. Sadly many of the aditives on the market are not worth the money but some are real gems.
I have been involved in studies overseas. the latest are returning 11% savings over several vehicles. In marine use savings up to 20% are not unusual.
In Australia we have been exposed to many bad ones or in some cases scams. However with a little homework the better ones can be found.
One of the arguments for not using them is the hasle of measuring them out. There now exist several automated dosing systems.
In most cases with the dosing systems and additive the RIO is measured in weeks or months. Most of the addives will exceed 6% in net savings alone.
Feel free to email me for further information
Kind Regards

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Solar subsidies rumors

Rumours are abound that the Federal Government in Australia may be going to reduce the subsidies to home solar installations even faster than expected. As of July 1 the multiplier used to calculate the subsidy on a 1.5kw system will reduce from 5 to 4. This will mean up to a $1200 increase in the cost of an install. However it has been runoured that it could be cut to 3 times multiplyer which translate into an increase cost of between $2000 and $2500 for a 1.5 KW system. There are also rumours that they may however increase the size of the system the multipler applies to. Given the past track record this will be announced if true with little notice.
Kind Regards

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Rebate and feed in Tarrif Information

I will in time branch out to other areas including fringe technologies that could have a huge input.
Yesterday I touched on the different incentives. There is a company with a great website that has up to date information and an excellent forum. It is not my intention to promote any company over another but for gathering information on what is happening in each state Re Rebates and the latest on solar subsidies its one of the better ones
It is interesting to note that this company in some states is already booked out till after July and is quoting post July prices (in the ACT for example)
As far as major power stations go a company in Queensland is installing a thermal solar system to preheat the water for their coal fired power station. This will produce 44,000 MW of electricity a year through solar.
Kind Regards

Solar Farmers

I am still amazed at the deals being offered to people in Queensland Australia in rural areas. They pay good feed in tarrifs to systems up to 30 KW.  With an income in the range of $20,000 to $25,000 pa and an installed cost of around $110,000 (after subsidies) this is a no brainer. Where do you get 20% plus on your investment nowdays. Some companies I have hear can arrange very low finance so the sysetm is able to pay itself of and produce a reasonablle surplus.
You will need to do your own calculations but many of the install companies are more than willing to help out